Monday, October 13, 2014

Like It Or Not

LOC West. To dream a dream only to see it deferred. That is the story of Like It Or Not.

Like It Or Not was the brainchild of Martin Stewart of Donnybrook / Terror fame. LION existed in the mid 2000's and featured members from other Southern California bands such as More To Pride and Final Fight. In the mid 2000's one of the prevailing sounds in hardcore was the "get low" motif. While the term "get low" was often used by critics of Lockin Out Records to deride the bands and the sound, there was something to it. When you listened to a Lockin Out band, you knew you were. There wasn't much lost in the translation.

Across the country there were, what can only be described as, affiliate bands. Bands like New Jersey's Get Real, the Bay's Lights Out, Baltimore's Desperate Measures, and later on LA's Like It Or Not. The affiliates bore all the markings of the LOC and they all had direct ties to it.

Like It Or Not should have been bigger than they were. They recorded a demo. They had a few extra tracks float around over the years. Instrumentals for an LP were recorded and were intended for release on 1917 Records. The LP outlasted 1917 Records (RIP). What happened was not a lack of cohesion, quite the opposite. LION, in the build-up to the LP, enlisted the services of DFJ, i.e. drummer for virtually every Lockin Out band. What happened to LION was simply one opportunity trumping another. Martin joined Terror and if one thing is known about Terror is that they tour. A lot. Vocals could never be recorded and so the LP continues to sit in purgatory. The hope is that one day the LP will be finished and come to light. Until then all we have is this demo and the wonder of what could have been and what may still be.

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